You may have noticed I haven't written in awhile. I've been going through a bit of an identity crisis here with my blog. I started blogging in August of 2010 to chronicle my adventure in not buying toys for my children. The original name for my blog, Little Tiger and the Milk Belly Princess, was inspired by my two daughters who were two and four years old at the time. Little Tiger was the name The Mister gave to Flannery, our oldest child, when she was a baby. The name stuck and is still used today. The Milk Belly Princess was a funny nickname for two year old Maeve who LOVED to drink milk so much that she had a "milk belly" (think "beer belly" but on a toddler girl).
While Little Tiger is a nickname Flannery may never outgrow, Maeve is no longer The Milk Belly Princess. Behold the transformation from this
To this
Continuing to call the blog "Little Tiger and the Milk Belly Princess" was to continue to give Maeve a nickname that no longer suited her. So I knew I needed to choose a new name.
I decided on "Mama Squirrel" because, although I often write about my family, ultimately this blog is about me and my interests and I am, if you know me you know that I am furtive and darting. I don't mean to be that way, it's just that my instincts get the better of me and...well...I scurry a lot, much like those little creatures you see on your lawn and in the trees. I have a plan, although it may not always be obvious to all. And...well...I have several little "nests" about the house where I store my current craft projects and interests.
I hope you will continue to join me on my adventures here. It's been a long cold winter, but it finally feels like spring is in the air.
Posted by: Addy | Saturday, April 27, 2013 at 04:32 PM
Sure, I'll follow along. So, what's the MBP new name?
Posted by: Lt | Sunday, April 28, 2013 at 08:38 AM